Saturday, April 23, 2016

Kumamoto, Japan Earthquake Clean-up: David Toraji Oshima

As many of you know, the island Kyushu, Japan has been rocked by strong earthquakes and aftershocks, centered in Kumamoto. There has been loss of life and displacement of many people. Heavy rains have also blanketed the island, making life hard for everyone. 

Enter David Toraji Oshima. When I was an instructor at Hawaii Tokai International College in Honolulu David was one of my students. Since graduation he went on to bigger and better things.

When disaster struck David sprung into action. It turns out that he attended high school in Kumamoto and circumstances called for him to give back to a place and people where fond memories are still held. 

With the help of the GoFundMe online fundraising platform and Facebook, David started the Kumamoto, Japan Earthquake Clean-up. (CLICK HERE).

I invite you to check out David's site. Please help as you are able with his efforts. Here is his introduction: 

Hello, my name is David Oshima and my friends and I need your help. I was lucky enough to have lived there in Kumamoto , Japan during high school, and was welcomed with open arms. I would like to return the favor and wonderful treatment I recieved while I was in Kumamoto.  I am trying to raise funds for the immense cleanup effort that is, and will be taking place in Kumamoto following a 6.5 magnitude eartquake that hit the center of the city. The whole city was rocked and is expected to feel after shocks for up to a week. Damage is wide spread and not contained to Kumamoto. Kyushu, in southern Japan has seen wide spread damage and the people need our help. The money you generously provide will be used to help the oridanry people and small businesses that might not recieve the attention from  larger corporations. I would like to help the people of one of the greatest cities in the world recover from this unexpected tradjedy. I cannot begin to express my gratitude to anyone who is gracious enough to help out.

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