Wishing you and yours Happy New Year 2018!

Broadcast weekly from AM 1490 WGCH in Greenwich, Connecticut USA, the Saturday morning show provides a colorful, lively international perspective focusing on China and the Pacific Rim. Welcome aboard! Tune in 10:30 a.m. Eastern USA Time to WGCH or WGCH.com anywhere via live audio streaming. All shows are archived on Podcasts.com and the Shows and Hosts section of WGCH.com.
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Coming Up Next: Douglas Chong in Hawaii, the Ancient Silk Road and Mogao Caves
Happy 2018! Aloha from Hawaii USA! The first broadcast of Year 2018 will feature Mr. Douglas Chong of the Hawaii Chinese History Center headquartered in Honolulu's Chinatown.
China's ancient Silk Road has captured and captivated the Western imagination for ages. In his book Religions of the Silk Road, author Richard C. Foltz observed that "it has given us images of fabled cities, exotic peoples, awe-inspiring mountains and deserts, and the death-defying feats of hardy long-distance travelers."
Chong recently returned from Western China where he retraced paths trod by travelers of all sorts for untold centuries. He will be sharing with us his impressions of what he found there -including the world-renowned Mogao Caves. Also known as the Thousand Buddha Grottoes, they form a system of 492 temples southeast of Dunhuang, an oasis strategically located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road in China's Gansu province. This is a must-see destination for anyone traveling to China.
But that's just the beginning! You'll start off your calendar year with words of wisdom on the Confucius Moment, Treasures of China, Chinese Fun Facts, Chop Sticks and the Weekly Almanac.
But there's more! The January 1 Universal New Year we just celebrated is already but a memory.
We hate to alarm you as we remind you that Chinese New Year -the Year of the Dog- is fast-approaching.
As a public service to our listeners and friends around the world we here at Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim will be your one-stop-shop for all things wise and wonderful regarding Spring Festival celebrations.
Let the fun begin this coming Saturday, January 6, 2018! Tune-in to 1490 WGCH Greenwich, Connecticut USA and to WGCH.com anywhere via realtime audio-streaming at 10:30 a.m. Eastern USA Time/ 11:30 p.m. Beijing Time.
Can't listen to the live broadcast? We've got your back! Our subscribers -and you're welcomed to become one- will have a link to the archived show on Podcasts.com. We'll post a link to this blog site, the show's Facebook wall, on LinkedIn and other media platforms.
Xiexie! Thank you for tuning in to Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim. My weekly news blasts and blog site are here to connect you to my show on NewsTalk AM 1490 WGCH Radio, China and the other cultures of East Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Subscribe by email to MarvelsofChina@gmail.com. If you prefer not to receive messages please respond with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject-box of your email.
Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim's broadcasts are from AM1490 WGCH and anywhere on WGCH.com in Greenwich, Connecticut USA.
This show is title-sponsored by Beijing AmBridge International Culture Development Ltd. You are invited to explore how an alliance with Beijing AmBridge can help your company or organization grow and prosper. Call Beijing AmBridge's office in Beijing at 86-10-80775517 or email ambridge01@163.com.
When you visit San Francisco be sure to make the Grant Plaza Hotel your choice for quality accommodations. This impressive boutique hotel is has all the advantages: great location, easy access to ground transportation, clean, safe and easy on your budget. Staff are cheerful. professional and helpful. The Grant Plaza is one block up from Dragon's Gate and within walking distance of Union Square and Market Street, even Nob Hill. Restaurants and theaters are nearby. Located at 465 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, California 94108-3208.
The Pacific Learning Consortium in Honolulu, Hawaii and Greenwich, Connecticut sponsors of the weekly Confucius Moment. Now collaborating with the Admissions Network of Chinese Universities and Colleges by offering the Sino-American Cultural Exchange Scholarship Program. Now qualified Americans can study on full scholarships for their Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees at Chinese universities. Get started today by contacting PacificLearningConsortium@gmail.com . Learn more online at www.pacificlearningconsortium.org .
This weekly show is also made possible by individual listeners like you all around the world. Thank you!
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Coming Up Next: Mr. Jim Jang, President of the Friends of the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles
Good morning and aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii USA!
I hope that you and your loved ones enjoyed your Christmas holiday break.
We're rounding out Year 2017 with Mr. Jim Jang, president of the Friends of the Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles, California USA. He will be joining me on Conversations on the Saturday, December 30 broadcast of Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim.
The Chinese American Museum's (CAM) mission is to "foster a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, America's diverse heritage by researching, preserving, and sharing the history, rich cultural legacy, and continued contributions of Chinese Americans."
It is the first museum in Southern California dedicated to the Chinese American experience and history of the region. The CAM is housed in the oldest and last surviving structure of Los Angeles' original Chinatown, opening on December 18, 2003 in the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument.
President Jim Jang will be enlightening all of us about CAM's founding, its programs, current exhibitions and so much more.
You can be sure that we'll feature the Confucius Moment, Weekly Almanac and other regular features. There's ample opportunities for exhibits to see and things to do where all-things Chinese is celebrated as Year 2017 sets and we anticipate the unfolding of a new year -2018 is looking very bold, prosperous and exciting to say the least!
So, please tune in this coming Saturday, December 30 to 1490 WGCH and WGCH.com anywhere. The live broadcast starts at 10:30 a.m. Eastern USA Time/ 11:30 p.m. Beijing Time.
Can't listen at that time? We've got you covered!
The recorded broadcast will be posted for all our listeners around the world at our archive site on podcasts.com -you can freely listen according to your schedule anytime, anywhere as often as you want.
To all my guests throughout Year 2017 -and my listeners around the world- I'm gratified to everyone for your support and continued interest in this show and its mission to explore and celebrate China's amazing dazzling culture, as well as nurture and illuminate the longstanding ties of friendship between the American and Chinese peoples. We eagerly look forward to Year 2018 as our journey continues.
Xiexie! Thank you for tuning in to Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim. My weekly news blasts and blog site are here to connect you to my show on NewsTalk AM 1490 WGCH Radio, China and the other cultures of East Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Subscribe by email to MarvelsofChina@gmail.com. If you prefer not to receive messages please respond with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject-box of your email.
Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim's broadcasts are from AM1490 WGCH and anywhere on WGCH.com in Greenwich, Connecticut USA.
This show is title-sponsored by Beijing AmBridge International Culture Development Ltd. You are invited to explore how an alliance with Beijing AmBridge can help your company or organization grow and prosper. Call Beijing AmBridge's office in Beijing at 86-10-80775517 or email ambridge01@163.com.
When you visit San Francisco be sure to make the Grant Plaza Hotel your choice for quality accommodations. This impressive boutique hotel is has all the advantages: great location, easy access to ground transportation, clean, safe and easy on your budget. Staff are cheerful. professional and helpful. The Grant Plaza is one block up from Dragon's Gate and within walking distance of Union Square and Market Street, even Nob Hill. Restaurants and theaters are nearby. Located at 465 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, California 94108-3208.
The Pacific Learning Consortium in Honolulu, Hawaii and Greenwich, Connecticut sponsors of the weekly Confucius Moment. Now collaborating with the Admissions Network of Chinese Universities and Colleges by offering the Sino-American Cultural Exchange Scholarship Program. Now qualified Americans can study on full scholarships for their Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees at Chinese universities. Get started today by contacting PacificLearningConsortium@gmail.com . Learn more online at www.pacificlearningconsortium.org .
This weekly show is also made possible by individual listeners like you all around the world. Thank you!
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Give the Gift That Connects Cultures and People: Support Marvels of China Pathways to the Pacific Rim
Ni Hao, friends and listeners!
As we are immersed in the gift-giving season, I’d like you to consider contributing to our year-end appeal.
Please join in supporting the Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim Show.
We are coming to the close of our second year on-the-air. What a year it has been!
We like to point out that “everything Chinese is all the rage these days.” The show continues to educate, inspire and entertain our global audience about China’s amazing and dazzling 5000-plus years of culture and history -past, present and future. Our best days lay ahead.
A lot of work goes into research, writing, travel and administration. Our broadcasts, blog and social media platforms continue to grow in popularity throughout the USA and around the world.
Your generous support and that of our title-sponsor -Beijing AmBridge International Culture Development, Ltd.- affirms that this show is important and appreciated. We -together- are making a difference.
Every donation large or small is appreciated. So, would you kindly consider keeping Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim going?
I’d like you to consider advertising by joining as a supporting sponsor of the show of segments such as Treasures of China, the Confucius Moment, the Weekly Almanac and others -including new segments we'll roll out in Year 2018.
We're expanding our horizons. Did you know that the show is heard in Chinese universities and colleges across China?
We're also going on WeChat and its 700 million subscribers! That's worth supporting and celebrating!
Chinese New Year arrives on February 16, 2018 -consider an auspicious gift or advertising opportunity as we countdown to Spring Festival and the Year of the Dog in 2018.
For our generous gift-givers who donate US$100 or more I’ll send you a shipment of authentic Hawaiian coffee!
Please make your checks out and send your gift in US dollars to:
Jeffrey Bingham Mead
℅ The Pacific Learning Consortium, Inc.
P.O. Box 183
Honolulu HI 96810-0183 USA
In the memo line be sure to record it as ‘Marvels of China.’ If you prefer to donate online I’ll send you a secure link upon request.
I know that I can count on your support!
Xiexie! Thank you! Wishing you and your families near and far a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.
See you on the air,
Jeffrey Bingham Mead
Host, Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim
AM1490 WGCH and WGCH.com, Greenwich, Connecticut USA
Email: MarvelsofChina@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: 1-808-721-0306
Facebook: MarvelsofChina
Archived Shows: Click Here!
Xiexie! Thank you for tuning in to Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim. My weekly news blasts and blog site are here to connect you to my show on NewsTalk AM 1490 WGCH Radio, China and the other cultures of East Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Subscribe by email to MarvelsofChina@gmail.com. If you prefer not to receive messages please respond with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject-box of your email.
Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim's broadcasts are from AM1490 WGCH and anywhere on WGCH.com in Greenwich, Connecticut USA.
This show is title-sponsored by Beijing AmBridge International Culture Development Ltd. You are invited to explore how an alliance with Beijing AmBridge can help your company or organization grow and prosper. Call Beijing AmBridge's office in Beijing at 86-10-80775517 or email ambridge01@163.com.
When you visit San Francisco be sure to make the Grant Plaza Hotel your choice for quality accommodations. This impressive boutique hotel is has all the advantages: great location, easy access to ground transportation, clean, safe and easy on your budget. Staff are cheerful. professional and helpful. The Grant Plaza is one block up from Dragon's Gate and within walking distance of Union Square and Market Street, even Nob Hill. Restaurants and theaters are nearby. Located at 465 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, California 94108-3208.
The Pacific Learning Consortium in Honolulu, Hawaii and Greenwich, Connecticut sponsors of the weekly Confucius Moment. Now collaborating with the Admissions Network of Chinese Universities and Colleges by offering the Sino-American Cultural Exchange Scholarship Program. Now qualified Americans can study on full scholarships for their Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees at Chinese universities. Get started today by contacting PacificLearningConsortium@gmail.com . Learn more online at www.pacificlearningconsortium.org .
This weekly show is also made possible by individual listeners like you all around the world. Thank you!
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Coming Up Next: Ms. Ginger Jiang of the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC)
Flash forward to our 21st century. In Year 2013 Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the Belt and Road Initiative -the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
Like its ancient predecessor, this modern rendition covers differing geographic regions, nations and civilizations. It provides new energy to the world economy, providing a Chinese-inspired platform that is open and inclusive for global collaboration and interaction not seen before.
Please tune-in to the upcoming December 23 broadcast of Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim. I’ll be welcoming Ms. Ginger Jiang representing the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce (SRCIC).
I want to express my thanks to Mr. Jordi Yang, Publicity and Planning of the SRCIC, for his valuable efforts in connecting us.
In Year 2015 the SRCIC was founded in Hong Kong. Its founding was a result of joint efforts to answer the calls for the development of the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as to advance and promote the SRCIC’s members growth by offering trade and investment opportunities.
SRCIC is gaining support from China and the international business community in its efforts to facilitate peaceful cooperation, opens, inclusiveness, mutual learning and benefits.
SRCIC also serves as a bridge between corporations and governments through its members, further promoting a resilient world economy and the construction of the Belt and Road.
To learn more please visit www.srcic.com.
We’ll feature our menu to regular features, and you’ll hear about cultural happenings here, there and everywhere on the show’s Weekly Almanac.
With schools out and many on December holiday break there’s no shortage of things to see and do. Needless to say everything Chinese is all the rage these days -as we like to say.
Mark your calendar for this coming Saturday, December 23, 2017. The half-hour broadcast starts at 10:30 a.m. Eastern USA Time/ 11:30 p.m. Beijing Time.
In our local listening area around Greenwich, Connecticut USA tune-in to 1490 WGCH, and for everyone, everywhere the show is streamed online at WGCH.com.
Can’t listen to the live broadcast? Fear not -we’ve got you covered!
We’ll post a link to our archives on podcasts.com where it will be shared to our email list members and social media platforms where you can freely listen according to your schedule 24 hours, seven days a week.
Xie xie! Thank you for tuning in to Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim. My weekly news blasts, emails and blog site are here to connect you to my show on NewsTalk AM 1490 WGCH Radio, China and the other cultures of East Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Subscribe by email to MarvelsofChina@gmail.com. If you prefer not to receive messages please respond with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject-box of your email.
Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim's broadcasts are from AM1490 WGCH and anywhere on WGCH.com in Greenwich, Connecticut USA.
This show is title-sponsored by Beijing AmBridge International Culture Development Ltd. You are invited to explore how an alliance with Beijing AmBridge can help your company or organization grow and prosper. Call Beijing AmBridge's office in Beijing at 86-10-80775517 or email ambridge01@163.com.
When you visit San Francisco be sure to make the Grant Plaza Hotel your choice for quality accommodations. This impressive boutique hotel is has all the advantages: great location, easy access to ground transportation, clean, safe and easy on your budget. Staff are cheerful. professional and helpful. The Grant Plaza is one block up from Dragon's Gate and within walking distance of Union Square and Market Street, even Nob Hill. Restaurants and theaters are nearby. Located at 465 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, California 94108-3208. Call (415) 434-3883.
The Pacific Learning Consortium in Honolulu, Hawaii and Greenwich, Connecticut sponsors of the weekly Confucius Moment. Now collaborating with the Admissions Network of Chinese Universities and Colleges by offering the Sino-American Cultural Exchange Scholarship Program. Now qualified Americans can study on full scholarships for their Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees at Chinese universities. Get started today by contacting PacificLearningConsortium@gmail.com . Learn more online at www.pacificlearningconsortium.org .
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Feedback Request 2017
As Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim on 1490 WGCH and WGCH.com anywhere starts to conclude its second year on-the-air we'd like to hear from you.
As your host I'd appreciate it very much if you would spend a few moments sharing your thoughts about the show. Below are a series of questions. This is purely voluntary, of course:
1) Your first name and location. (Not absolutely required -but appreciated.)
2) What do you enjoy most about Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim? Why?
3) What else additionally would you like featured on future shows?
4) If you have any other comments about the show share them here.
I am asking you to submit your feedback on or before Saturday, December 23, 2017. That's one week from today.
You are welcomed to submit your responses by email at MarvelsofChina@gmail.com, by Facebook Messenger via the Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim page on Facebook, to my box on LinkedIn.com, or by USPS in printed form at P.O. Box 183, Honolulu, HI 96810-0183 USA.
Thank you! Xiexie! Your feedback means much to me. My goal as always is to provide our global audience with the best radio show experience -and strive to do better.
See you on the air,
Jeffrey Bingham Mead
Host, Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim
AM1490 WGCH and WGCH.com, Greenwich, Connecticut USA
Email: MarvelsofChina@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: 1-808-721-0306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marvelsofchina/
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Coming Up Next: Ying-Ying Chang and The Woman Who Could Not Forget: Iris Chang Before and Beyond The Rape of Nanking
On the December 16, 2017 broadcast of Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim on 1490 WGCH and WGCH.com anywhere, I will be welcoming back Dr. Ying-Ying Chang, mother of the legendary author Iris Chang.
She is the author of an extraordinary memoir, The Woman Who Could Not Forget: Iris Chang Before and Beyond The Rape of Nanking.
As we pause this week to reflect on and commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre in 1937, Ying-Ying Chang and I will discuss Iris Chang's life and lasting legacy during the Conversations segment.
This is a conversation not to be missed, a truly heartfelt tribute to Iris Chang on the anniversary of one of world history's most tragic and horrific events.
We will feature our Confucius Moment, Treasures of China, the Weekly Almanac and more.
Set your calendar for Saturday, December 16, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. Eastern USA Time/ 11:30 p.m. Beijing Time. For those in our local listening area tune-in to 1490 WGCH. For our global audience around the USA, the Asia-Pacific and tune in anywhere via live audio-streaming on WGCH.com. We'll have the broadcast uploaded to our show's archives on Podcasts.com for further listening at your leisure.
Xie xie! Thank you for tuning in to Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim. My weekly news blasts, emails and blog site are here to connect you to my show on NewsTalk AM 1490 WGCH Radio, China and the other cultures of East Asia and the Pacific Rim.
Subscribe by email to MarvelsofChina@gmail.com. If you prefer not to receive messages please respond with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject-box of your email.
Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim's broadcasts are from AM1490 WGCH and anywhere on WGCH.com in Greenwich, Connecticut USA.
This show is title-sponsored by Beijing AmBridge International Culture Development Ltd. You are invited to explore how an alliance with Beijing AmBridge can help your company or organization grow and prosper. Call Beijing AmBridge's office in Beijing at 86-10-80775517 or email ambridge01@163.com.
When you visit San Francisco be sure to make the Grant Plaza Hotel your choice for quality accommodations. This impressive boutique hotel is has all the advantages: great location, easy access to ground transportation, clean, safe and easy on your budget. Staff are cheerful. professional and helpful. The Grant Plaza is one block up from Dragon's Gate and within walking distance of Union Square and Market Street, even Nob Hill. Restaurants and theaters are nearby. Located at 465 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, California 94108-3208. Call (415) 434-3883.
The Pacific Learning Consortium in Honolulu, Hawaii and Greenwich, Connecticut sponsors of the weekly Confucius Moment. Now collaborating with the Admissions Network of Chinese Universities and Colleges by offering the Sino-American Cultural Exchange Scholarship Program. Now qualified Americans can study on full scholarships for their Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral degrees at Chinese universities. Get started today by contacting PacificLearningConsortium@gmail.com . Learn more online at www.pacificlearningconsortium.org .
Monday, December 4, 2017
Coming Up Next: Dr. Ying-Ying Chang, Mother of Iris Chang: The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II.
(NOTE: The December 9 show was pre-empted at the last minute. The show will be broadcast live on WGCH/WGCH.com on Wednesday, December 13 at 9:30 a.m. Eastern USA Time/ 10:30 p.m. Beijing Time. Go to the link provided above for it from the archives site at Podcasts.com)
My next guest on the December 9 broadcast of Marvels of China: Pathways to the Pacific Rim is Dr. Ying-Ying Chang, mother of the legendary Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II.
Iris Chang's bestselling 1997 non-fiction book chronicles the 1937–1938 Nanking Massacre -the massacre and atrocities committed by the Imperial Japanese Army after it captured Nanjing, then capital of China- during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
December 13, 2017 marks the 80th anniversary.
Tune in to 1490 WGCH Greenwich, Connecticut USA on Saturday, 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m., or via live streaming-audio anywhere on WGCH.com.
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